THIS YEARS WINNERS: Karen Ekornes (police), Bertha Thorbjørnsen as Bonnie and Jan Henry Sørensen as Clyde, figure in RWS best picture 2023
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Road Worlds for Seniors invited this year to a separate photo competition. There were many pictures, but some had put a little more into it than just a funny or nice picture. Like the staff and residents at Myrveien in Stavanger. The idea, and the looks in the picture simply charmed this year's jury.
-Ahhhh, this is so fun! This was absolutely fantastic. I am very happy now. Can't wait to tell the residents, says activity coordinator at Myrveien, Fatma Anli.
Crazy idea
The idea for the picture came during a shared meal. Fatma announced that RWS this year also had a "Picture of the Year" competition.
- We're a great bunch of people who have a lot of fun, so we started spinning different ideas about what we could come up with. We found that we had to have some nonsense where bicycles and residents were included. Then I came up with the subject of Bonnie & Clyde.
Bonnie & Clyde were a notorious criminal couple who operated in the central United States in the 1930s. They were constantly on the run from the police.
Out shopping
A bit of shopping was needed to create the right atmosphere in the picture, so both the police uniform and the gangster hat were bought for the occasion.
- We had so much fun during the photo shoot. Kept laughing, and laughing, says Fatma.
When the result was shown, everyone agreed that this picture was good enough to win.
- We had incredible fun both during the brainstorming and during the process of the image. But you have to live every day - that's what it's all about.
Active during RWS
In the cycling competition, Myrsnipene (the team name) where also very active and ended up in 15th place in the world.
- We participated last year also, but this year the competitive instinct really kicked in. We only have one bicycle, but there was so much activity that we had to set up times for cycling. There was almost a fight over who was going to ride.
During the RWS, they cycled in a new country every week, with food from the Country. During the English week, Shepherd's pie was served and they had Afternoon Tea.
- When we rode in Turkey, where I was born, we had Turkish food and in the US we had onion rings, fries and hamburgers. It was a huge success!
A good tip for others!